Project CROWDFUNDMATCH – Interreg Europe 2021-2027 - Sekretariat ds. Młodzieży Project CROWDFUNDMATCH – Interreg Europe 2021-2027 - Sekretariat ds. Młodzieży

Development, activity, cooperation

Secretariat for Youth

Development, activity, cooperation

Secretariat for Youth

Development, activity, cooperation

Secretariat for Youth







CROWDFUNDMATCH – Unlocking the Crowdfunding Potential for the European Structural and Investment Funds.


The Secretariat for Youth of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship is a partner of the international project CROWDFUNDMATCH – Unlocking the Crowdfunding Potential for the European Structural and Investment Funds, co-financed by the European Union, under the Interreg Europe 2021-2027 programme.


The project involves 9 partners from following European regions:

  • Marche Region (Italy) – Lead Partner
  • Public Investment Development Agency, JSC (Lithuania)
  • Directorate General for Entreprise – Regional Ministry for Economy, Science and Digital Agenda – Reg. Government of Extremadura (Spain)
  • North-West Regional Development Agency (Romania)
  • Region of Central Macedonia (Greece)
  • West Pomeranian Voivodship (Poland)
  • Province of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Regional Development Agency Utrecht region (The Netherlands)
  • E-institute (Slovenia)


Project’s overall objective is to improve regional development policy instruments, with mainstreaming the combination of private resources, collected through digital crowdfunding campaigns, with ESIF funds.


As part of the project, the following activities are waiting for the Secretariat for Youth in years 2023-2026:

– Creation of regional working teams, including youth teams – with the goal to identify, test and assess the regional potentials of fund-matching.

– Analysis of crowdfunding market readiness in Poland and West Pomerania – information about region’s market readiness for combination of crowdfunding and ESIF funds.

– Development of a common FUND MATCHING methodology for the EU to be tested in five pilot projects and through transnational peer-to-peer mentoring between partner regions.

– Participation in the PILOT TESTING of FUND MATCHING examples in five most advanced partner regions.

– Learning from experienced partners – how to integrate foreign experience into regional policies, especially youth policies.

– Exchange of experience in transnational policy

– IMPROVEMENT of policy instruments  focusing on matching crowdfunding with ESIF funds.

– Including the involvement of the Youth Council of the West Pomeranian Voivodship and/or youth local councils in the exchange of information, knowledge and experience between project partners and relevant stakeholders in the region dealing with crowdfunding and policy instrument management.


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